Documenting Family Dynamics in a Second Baby Newborn Session

I recently had the opportunity to capture a newborn session for a family in Western Massachusetts as they welcomed their second child, Maren. This session was particularly special as I had previously photographed their firstborn, Arden, a few years ago.

Working with second-time parents always brings a different dynamic. While the first child typically experiences a calm and tranquil photoshoot, the second child is introduced to the world through the delightful chaos and imaginative playfulness of their older sibling.

I like to forewarn parents that sessions with second-borns tend to unfold in a unique manner, often with the toddler taking charge.

This time around, Arden assumed the directorial role, and I embraced every unexpected twist and turn of the experience.

portrait of a newborn during a newborn lifestyle session in western massachusetts
A family holds their newborn daughter in their living room during a lifestyle newborn photo session in Western Massachusetts
A toddler holds her baby sister in the living room during a lifestyle newborn photo session in Western Massachusetts

While Maren’s quiet presence was undeniably adorable, Arden stole the spotlight with her vibrant personality. We engaged in various activities, from playing with cars to exploring her snake-like abilities under the kitchen table. We delved into her favorite books and even revisited the discovery that she could still fit into her sister's crib. Our outdoor exploration included discussions about swings and trees, you know, normal toddler things.

Documenting family dynamics in a second baby newborn session can be a really different vibe than the dynamics with a first baby—this day was all about the quiet exchanges between parents, the spontaneous grins, and the idiosyncrasies that make this new addition so remarkable.

Scroll for more favorites from this day.


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